Apex Legends players angered as Legend Edition skins are resold in the store

Lauren Bergin
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Respawn scrapped the official Legend dedicated versions of Apex Legends earlier this year – advertising the “last chance” to buy them – but it turns out the old skins are now being resold in the store, much to players’ dismay.

Once upon a time, Apex Legends players could purchase Legend-specific versions of the game. These included special skins for the Legend in question, as well as weapon cosmetics and a banner themed around the character’s new look.

Coming into Season 12, Respawn chose to remove these editions from the store despite only releasing the highly coveted Loba edition back in November, 2021.

Despite many believing that their prized skins would be etched into the annals of history as limited edition ones, the 1.90 update has added Lifeline‘s Guardian Angel skin to the store pool, signaling that the old Legend Edition skins will be available for purchase once more, much to the ire of the game’s community.

apex legends lifeline edition guardian angel skin
Respawn removed Legend-specific editions of the game coming into Season 12.

Apex Legend edition skins return to the store

Despite having removed the Legend editions coming into Season 12, Respawn have elected to offer the skins from the bundles in the in-game store for 1,800 Apex Coins (around $20).

Legend Editions also used to be on sale for $19.99, but included Apex Coins, banners, icons, charms, and other in-game goodies within that price. Now, you only get the skin itself, a gun skin, and five Apex Packs.

“Take away Legend Editions just to resell them at a marked up price,” writes one player on the game’s official subreddit, concluding “we love you Respawn.” Another commented, “they need to come up with efficient ways to give EA more money,” with a final response noting “the monetization system is way too predatory.”

Anger has spilled onto Twitter, too. “If they didn’t say that [the skins] would be gone forever it’s okay. But baiting us to buy the editions because it’s literally the last call to get them while it’s not is not okay.”

“People spent money on those and more people spent money on those because they thought they were going away forever,” echoes another.

Currently, only the Lifeline Edition skin has made a return, but it’s expected that the others will be available in the store at some point too.

One idea which could be floated in Apex is from League of Legends, where a new system was added that creates alternative versions of classic skins, which new players can buy, while keeping the ‘OG’ versions exclusive to the players that bought them.