Apex Legends players are furious as hackers abuse empty ranked servers for boosting

Carver Fisher

Some Apex Legends players noticed that hackers are using empty Bahrain servers to boost themselves into Predator lobbies and snipe high-level players, or to hit Pred themselves.

Apex Legends has had its fair share of hacking and boosting controversies over the past few seasons, with players doing everything they can think of to try and break into the upper echelon of play – even if they have to resort to ban-worthy means.

However, Apex Legends players that cheat and boost often get reported for doing so. Not to mention, boosting can be difficult on a high-population server due to parties trying to snipe each other and getting into separate games.

Some Apex Legends players have discovered that Bahrain’s ranked servers are almost empty, and they’ve been using the dead server to boost accounts to Predator without getting banned.

Apex Legends hackers use empty ranked servers for boosting

Bahrain is a small Middle-Eastern country that’s close to Asia geographically, and a country that has its own server in Apex Legends. However, because of its location, most players close to Bahrain have migrated to other, more populated servers even if their connection may be worse.

This has led to most players abandoning the servers entirely, leaving the ranked scene all but dead within the region.

People trying to boost their Apex Legends account have used the state of the servers as an exploit to hit Predator, whether they’re boosting for the sake of fast-tracking an account loaded with cheats right into top-level lobbies or to try and get enough RP to get high up in the Predator rankings.

The thing about Apex Legends hackers and boosters is that they tend to get banned via reports from other players in the game. However, it’s impossible for them to get banned if there’s no one to put in those reports.

When the players who recorded the video got into the lobby, many of the boosters grinding RP on the server would just leave the match. It doesn’t take them that much effort to gain all the RP back.

These players can be seen boosting each other’s kill counts into the 30s, gaining literal thousands of RP per match.

Avid Apex Legends players are infuriated by the exploit, knowing that they could grind for months toward the coveted Predator title, only to get outdone by someone boosting on an empty ranked server.