Apex Legends players are so desperate for Olympus return they’re willing to pay

Connor Bennett
Apex Legends infected olympus map

Apex Legends players are desperate for Olympus to return to the map rotation, with some offering to pay Respawn to remove World’s Edge sooner rather than later.

With the start of Apex Legends Season 11, Respawn introduced Storm Point as the battle royale’s fourth map.

As they have done with the arrival of other new maps, the developers put a focus on Storm Point, making it exclusive for a little while before bringing another map into the rotation.

That other map is, of course, World’s Edge – which has undergone plenty of changes of its own in recent seasons. However, players have seemingly had enough of it, and want Respawn to shake up the map rotation even further.

Bonsai Plaza Olympus
POI’s like Bonzana Plaza were given some changes in the Olympus update.

For many players, the answer is simple: they want to go back to Olympus. “I miss this map so much, it felt so happy and bright,” said SmileyWiley98. “Not sure how everybody else feels about it, but I’m really hoping it makes a comeback.”

Their sentiment was shared by plenty of other players who want to see the map above the clouds back in the mix. “I would pay for Olympus and Storm Point to be on rotation for a season so I can say goodbye to the rest of the maps, I would feel complete,” said Redditor Cokaway. “I miss the aesthetics of the map. Such an awesome map,” added another. “Would be nice to have a map again where you’re not just running for miles in silence,” commented one fan.

Some players added that they didn’t quite understand why Respawn opted for World’s Edge instead, noting that the lack of Olympus and Kings Canyon has meant that they’ve stopped playing the battle for now.

Naturally, some suggestions pointed to Respawn adding of the maps into the mix at once, but that seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Storm Point is still fresh, so that will hold its place for some time, but if the developers do opt to shake up the map rotation, there is a clear frontrunner with fans for what should return.