Apex Legends players call for fireman Gibraltar skin to support Australia

Eli Becht
L: Wikimedia Commons R: EA

Australia is currently in the middle of its worst bushfire season, and Apex Legends players are calling on Respawn to add skins to the game that have the proceeds go towards helping the country.

With fires roaring across Australia and little being done about it, the Apex Legends community wants to help out in any way they can.

Many have called on Respawn Entertainment to add some additional skins in the game to help raise money to help Australia.

NSW RFSThe Australian bushfires are the worst we’ve seen.

It’s a win-win scenario because players would be able to get new skins and money would be raised towards a good cause.

However, if Respawn was going to do this, the players want to make sure it’s done right and they have suggested who should get the skins.

As it turns out, Gibraltar is a firefighter, so he’d be the absolute perfect fit if anybody was going to get a skin made.

EAGibraltar would look good with a firefighter skin.

Respawn haven’t said anything about a potential set of skins, but players have been speaking up about it.

Since this would be for a good cause, it doesn’t necessarily have to make sense lore-wise, and we could even receive a Pathfinder firefighter skin if they wanted to go that route.

With that said, Gibraltar has been the most requested character so far.

The skins aren’t exactly the important part here, the firefighters would just make the most sense, but players sound much more interested in raising money.

Apex Legends players aren’t the only ones asking about support for Australia either. Overwatch players have already asked for firefighter skins for Junkrat, Roadhog, and others to help support the country.

The gaming community has come together in a big way to raise money. The Click Crew raised over $300k to go towards combating the bushfires.

As the issue becomes more widespread, we can expect to see even more money raised. Perhaps, Respawn, Overwatch, or some other game will actually introduce special skins to raise money in the near future.

It’s clear the demand for them is there, players just need a developer to make the option available.