Apex Legends players call for Fortnite’s new anti-cheat to stop strike packs

Connor Bennett
Apex Legends player with flatline looking at red box

Apex Legends players are hoping that Respawn Entertainment follows Epic Games’ lead with a new feature that tackles players using strike packs in-game.

Just like every other battle royale out there, Apex Legends has had to contend with its fair share of headaches from cheaters and exploits over the last few years.

Plenty of ban waves have been sent out by Respawn’s security team to deal with those players using wall hacks, aimbots, and God mode, but they’ve struggled to get a firm grip on players using strike packs. Strike packs, if you don’t know, are attachments that can be put onto a controller to give players a leg up.

In a big step, Epic Games have announced new anti-cheat measures in Fortnite that will now cover these controller attachments, and Apex players are hopeful that Respawn will follow suit.

Apex Legends players want Fortnite anti-cheat feature

The announcement from Epic Games has done the rounds across the Apex community, and it’s certainly got plenty of players hopeful that Respawn can replicate it – or even ask Epic how they’ve done it.

“We need this. Zens and strike packs should never have been allowed in the first place,” tweeted one player. “I hope Apex does this. I’m so sick of this and strike packs in Arenas,” added another.

“This is really cool from Fortnite. I would LOVE to see this gone as a console player. Would feel way better about the integrity of the competition I face,” commented another player.

Though the majority of players want to see something similar brought into Apex, others aren’t hopeful it’ll happen anytime soon.

“This can’t be proved 100%, a strikepack is in the controller and as a charger device marked so this useless,” argued one. “Will Respawn do it? Doubt it, lol,” added another.

Respawn have already taken similar devices of out pro play in the likes of the ALGS, so it might not be a massive step for them to combat them in pub games. We’ll just have to wait and see if anything changes.