Apex Legends players call for mobile-exclusive Rhapsody to be added to main game

Joe Craven
apex legends mobile rhapsody

Apex Legends players are calling on EA to add recently revealed legend Rhapsody to the ‘main game’, with the mobile-exclusive character set to be out of reach of PS5, Xbox Series X and PC players.

Apex Legends has experienced overwhelming success since its February 2019 launch, with millions of players across PlayStation, Xbox and PC dropping into its Titanfall-inspired world.

Given that a major battle royale rival in Fortnite dropped a mobile version, few were surprised when Apex Legends’ own mobile title launched back in May 2022.

However, many longer-term players of Apex Legends have been somewhat disheartened at Respawn’s confirmation that exclusive content, most notably in-game legends, will be coming to the Mobile version.

apex legends mobile rhapsody loba lifeline
The rebellious DJ Rhapsody makes her debut in Apex Legends Mobile on July 12, 2022.

That feeling amongst fans seems only to have intensified with the confirmation and reveal of Rhapsody, a mobile-exclusive legend who will drop with Season 2: Distortion on July 12. Her abilities, though unconfirmed, will center around audio, thought to be linked to locating enemies.

Following the reveal, players of the ‘main game’ called on Respawn to add her on all platforms, explaining how desperate they are to get their hands on Rhapsody.

Player ‘NC_Pitts‘ commented: “I really wish we could get this legend. Such an amazing design and love her kit.” The post quickly garnered upvotes as plenty of other players flocked to agree.

One fellow fan said: “Mobile beats the main game again lmao. God I hate EA. Even Mobile’s skins are better…and they come out at a faster rate too.”

Another echoed the sentiment: “I don’t really get the exclusivity thing they’re going with… I get they’re basically 2 different games at this point but it does seem a bit weird they’re “taking” stuff from the main game while keeping exclusivity on their own stuff.”

Unfortunately, Tencent are developing the mobile version, so it’s separate to Respawn’s base game in more ways than one. However, content from the original title is in the mobile version, so fans pointed out that EA have the power to oversee greater crossovers in the future.

While it seems unlikely, in this industry, we’ve learned it’s best to never say never.