Apex Legends players call out Respawn for “tragic” state of the game
Respawn EntertainmentApex Legends pros and high-level players have been very vocal about their grievances with Apex Legends in its current state as of late, and now the general player base is starting to get fed up with the “exhausting” experience of playing.
The breakout success of Apex Legends, when it was initially released, was matched by Respawn’s continuous support, resulting in the game maintaining hundreds of thousands of players at any given time.
However, though many players are still logging in every day to play, not all of them are satisfied with the game’s current state. Pros have been putting Respawn on blast recently with complaints about things like the strength of the Charge Rifle, cheaters in their games, and server issues making it difficult to play properly. NICKMERCS recently ended his stream earlier than expected as a result of getting his games repeatedly sniped by cheaters, putting the issue in front of his audience of thousands.
These issues certainly aren’t confined to high-level play, though, and the general player base is mirroring the sentiment of pro players. Apex Legends players are calling the experience of queuing “tragic” and “exhausting,” especially if you don’t have friends to play with.
Apex Legends players fed up with “exhausting” matches
Most popular multiplayer games have their fair share of cheaters or server issues here and there. It’s something that plagues any popular online multiplayer game at some point, and players tend to have a certain level of forgiveness when it comes to things not working properly for a short period of time.
However, Apex Legends players are beginning to get fed up with the game’s current state. Issues that were discussed by pros and high-level players that played for several hours a day are starting to affect the more general player base, especially considering that matchmaking will sometimes put average players against pros.
In a lengthy post made by a Reddit user who called the game’s current state “beyond tragic”, Apex Legends players came together to air their grievances.
The main points raised by the original poster are that ranked matchmaking is “extremely bad” and consistently puts them against trios, that servers are dropping them from matches and giving them leaver penalties, and that cheaters show up consistently.
Players in the thread also called out bots that sit in the mixtape modes, making it so that the for-fun ways to play Apex Legends outside of the normal battle royale mode aren’t fun for them, either.
While Apex Legends still has a massive player base, it’s clear that players across many different skill levels aren’t enjoying the new season as much as they liked the game in the past.