Apex Legends players claim Bloodhound nerfs will kill the character

Carver Fisher
Bloodhound Apex Legends Season 16

Bloodhound’s getting a significant set of nerfs in the Apex Legends Double Take Collection event patch, to the point where many Apex Legends players & pros feel as if the Legend is going to fall out of the meta entirely.

Balancing scan characters has always been a difficult task for the devs, with Seer, in particular, getting targeted with nerfs to the point where the Legend got forced out of the meta entirely.

However, Bloodhound has always been a meta staple despite having a variety of nerfs sent their way over the years.

an image of Bloodhound in Apex Legends

That may be changing with the Double Take Collection Event patch notes, as Bloodhound will be getting some rework-level changes to the way their abilities function. These changes certainly aren’t buffs.

Here’s the full list of the Double Take patch’s nerfs to Bloodhound:

  • Beast of the Hunt: threat vision is no longer visible through smoke or gas
  • Upgrade: Level 2
    • Raven’s Blessing: Ult charge reduced to 20% (was 25%)
  • Upgrades: Level 3
    • NEW Sighthound: reduced Tac cooldown by 50% while Ultimate is active
    • NEW Flock: remove enemy range requirement for White Raven spawns
    • Both previous Level 3 upgrades have been removed with this change

Along with Bloodhound’s Beast of the Hunt ult getting nerfed and being much more easily countered by Legends like Caustic and Bangalore, their Level 3 upgrades are much weaker than what they had before.

Here are the Level 3 upgrades that are being replaced with this update:

  • Taste of Blood: Gain 25HP on knocks while Beast of the Hunt Beast of the Hunt is active.
  • Long Hunt: Knocks extend Beast of the Hunt Beast of the Hunt duration.

Both upgrades were built around keeping Bloodhound up and allowing them to shred through teams, meaning that the new Level 3 perks will change their late-game identity in some huge ways.

Apex Legends pro ImperialHal simply said “F*ck me I guess” in response to the changes, while others have found some more creative ways to express just how hard these nerfs will hit Bloodhound.

As is true of any set of nerfs, there’s a chance Bloodhound won’t be hit nearly as hard as players are expecting by this set of changes. However, Bloodhound will certainly be weaker than they were before.