Apex Legends players debate whether current “can’t see s***” meta is healthy
PlayApex | TwitchThe ALGS LAN has brought up a conversation around the game’s current meta. With many teams running compositions that have Bangalore and/or Catalyst on their team, the so-called “can’t see s***” meta has players wondering if this meta is a healthy one.
Apex Legends‘ pro/high-level meta looks very different from the average match. While many players who are just trying to have fun with the game will pick popular characters like Wraith and Octane, the pro meta shifts and changes based on what teams think the best Legends are.
Right now, that seems to be team compositions that include either Bangalore or Catalyst, both of which are characters who can heavily restrict vision. Every top-tier comp in ALGS has one of these two in it, many of which include both.
This has led to Apex Legends players debating as to whether or not this meta is a healthy one and if the ALGS viewing experience is better as a result.
“Can’t see s***” meta causes debate among Apex Legends players
Casual legends like Octane, Wraith, and the newly-reworked, temporarily free-to-play Revenant dominate the top of the charts, but both Catalyst and Bangalore aren’t trailing too far behind. Casual players are starting to catch on to the pro meta as Seer and Bloodhound’s popularity plummets.
This has led to more and more players obstructing vision to create opportunities to escape or ways to close the gap with their opponent.
One of the final circles in a recent ALGS match prompted a conversation amongst Apex Legends players as to whether or not this meta is preferable to prior metas in Apex Legends history.
Those who are a bit less current on the meta were taken aback by the screenshot.
“Tf is going on here, someone’s summoning a fucking Demon,” commented one user. Admittedly, the Catalyst walls do resemble a pentagram. Others focused on the meta implications here, saying that this meta is an improvement compared to others in Apex Legends’ history.
“I cant see s*** Meta > Shoot Diamonds Meta”, commented one user, referring to having to shoot Seer’s ultimate.
“Don’t really mind it, even enemy walls can be used to your advantage,” said another, bringing up a good point about the strategy having clear counterplay.
While people generally seemed to have a positive opinion when it comes to playing in this meta, some pointed out that it negatively affects the viewing experience in Apex Legends pro play.
“Honestly would prefer less visual clutter as a viewer but definitely more enjoyable than Seer/Cat.”
This isn’t exactly a new problem when it comes to competitive shooters. Valorant is yet another game that plays largely around vision control and also gets its fair share of complaints that the viewing experience for new players is less than stellar.
It remains to be seen if Catalyst or Bangalore will receive nerfs in response to their massive popularity in high-level play or if the “can’t see s***” meta continues.