Apex Legends players demand big change for Mad Maggie’s Ultimate

Brianna Reeves
apex legends mad maggie running toward camera

Apex Legends players want Respawn developers to tweak Mad Maggie’s ultimate ability since it can stun nearby teammates.

Mad Maggie joined Apex during the Season 12 update in 2022, adding another Assault class character to the mix with explosive abilities.

Her Wrecking Ball Ultimate, which launches a detonating ball that damages and stuns foes, has garnered a lot of attention since then.

For example, Mad Maggie’s Ult has broken footstep audio in the past. Other bugs have also reduced the ability to little more than a useless dud. But even after bug fixes and a few noteworthy buffs, players want developers to further refine the Ultimate.

A Redditor who goes by Melodic-Appeal7390 broached the topic after taking stun damage from Wrecking Ball in a match. The problem is that the Mad Maggie who threw the ball was on their team; the effects of the stun ultimately resulted in the OP’s character dying.

The user’s gameplay clip sparked discussion in the Apex Legends subreddit about whether or not it’s fair that Mad Maggie’s Ult can adversely impact squadmates.

One person argued in the game’s favor, writing that “Ults affect teammates. Same with Gibraltar and Bangalore’s.”

Those who are for Ultimates affecting teammates believe squad members should keep a better eye on their surroundings.

However, many contend that concessions should be made for characters like Mad Maggie. After all, the video above shows the Wrecking Ball bouncing out of a door and ricocheting towards the player unexpectedly.

One user explained, “It’s a bad mechanic. You can telegraph Gibby & Bang Ults. In the clip, the ball was thrown indoors and bounced its way through a doorway… The only way they could have avoided it was if their teammate used comms…”

Another person said their friend is a Maggie main and the Ult almost made them stop playing with him. “Almost every single fight I get slowed/stunned, while the ball rarely does enough damage to the enemy squad to justify also giving them faster movement.”