Apex Legends players demand Respawn completely rework infamous POI

André González Rodríguez
Apex Legends Cage POI rework

Apex Legends players want Respawn Entertainment to completely rework the infamous Cage POI in hopes of reducing its favorability towards campers.

Cage is the perfect POI for any Apex Legends player who doesn’t favor the run-and-gun play style.

Its verticality and maze-like structure allows for squads to set up and pop shots at unsuspecting targets.

However, this creates a problem for any player on Kings Canyon that might want to travel through the area since, once an enemy squad is set up, it can be tough to take them out. That’s why fans of the game Respawn to consider making a change.

the cage in apex legends
Cage is the ideal camping spot on Kings Canyon.

Apex Legends players call for Cage POI rework

The campy playstyle that a POI like Cage can provide can be tiring to play against, some players said. With sniper shots that can be hard to track and setups that can feel impossible to break through, the building is an in-game logistical nightmare for teams.

Reddit user ‘Supercomfyplanet‘ thinks it’s high time for the studio to take a look at the Cage and a healthy amount of fans agree.

“Yesss! This is like the only place I hate on Kings Canyon along with the big valley beneath it,” another player said. More players joined in the conversation on the POI that’s caused a few headaches.


Not all players want it to be reworked. Some players would rather see The Cage “nuked” instead of it being reinvented to improve the POI.

“Just nuke the damn place already, I hate it with a passion,” they said. “There’s barely any loot and you [either] get other two teams or more in there or nobody lands with you and don’t see anyone for some considerable time. It’s just so random.”

As of right now, plans for a possible Cage rework remain up in the air. But who knows, now that Respawn Entertainment has teased a possible Skulltown return, the devs might not be done giving the rest of Kings Canyon some love too.