Apex Legends players enjoy “lore accurate” death of Octane player

Shane Black
Apex Legends Octane posing at the camera

Apex Legends players are enjoying an online clip of an Octane player’s death that stays true to the lore of the character.

Octane has been in Apex Legends for a long time, being one of the very first Legends ever added to the game.

His fast-paced style reflects his lore, which revolves around his being addicted to adrenaline, to the point of blowing his own legs off in a race.

Now, some players are remarking that a clip posted online is resembling just the kind of behavior that Octane would perform as a character.

Apex Legends players are loving a “lore accurate” Octane death

The clip was posted to the game’s subreddit with an apt title of: “This octane stimmed himself to 1hp and thought, ‘Let’s push.'”

The video itself shows the Octane player sprinting full-steam at an enemy squad while being at incredibly low health, eventually ending in his death.

The comments and responses show that the community is certainly enjoying it, with many players pointing out that the character of Octane, himself, would do something like this.

“Lore accurate octane” is the top-voted comment on the post, and the entire thing is littered with plenty of messages like it.

For those who don’t know, the character of Octane in Apex Legends lore has two bionic legs that he received after blowing off his own in an effort to win a race.

While most of the responses were humorous about the whole thing, there were some players who used the clip as a reason to vent their frustrations, with one user saying: “This is why I don’t play with randoms.”

Octane certainly has a reputation in the game thanks to his quick speed and ability to move around the battlefield quicker than anyone else. Love it or hate it, Octane will always be a hot topic in Apex Legends.