Apex Legends players frustrated as yet another bug breaks Wraith’s tactical

Alec Mullins
Wraith in Apex Legends

Wraith has been a hot topic in the Apex Legends community thanks to a hit registration issue when she’s exiting her tactical, but yet another bug with the Into the Void ability has only stoked the flames higher. 

For weeks now, Apex players have been calling for Respawn to take a closer look at Wraith and figure out what is making her invulnerable when coming out of her interdimensional ability.

The problem is so bad that some have even called for her to be disabled entirely until the issue is fixed. They feel Wraith mains are being given an unfair exploit in crunch-time situations.

As it turns out though, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for the Voidwalker, as the same ability that has been giving her extra life is now accidentally getting her killed.

Wraith’s Apex Legends tactical is broken in yet another way

Instead of Wraith going invulnerable for a short time, the latest bug completely breaks the ability, leaving anyone who uses it 100% vulnerable, unable to use their weapons or equipment to defend themselves.

As seen in the Reddit clip embedded below, this new problem can completely ruin a game for an unsuspecting player even in non-combat scenarios.

In the video, the player attempts to use Into the Void to make it out of The Ring and into the safe part of the map.

As they activate it, a tick of damage squeaks through, dropping them into dangerously low health. It doesn’t stop there though, as the damage pours in and they’re ultimately knocked down.

In the comments of that video, some players are speculating that this may be just like the problem with Loba’s tactical, which has also suffered from issues while inside the damaging zone.

Respawn has yet to acknowledge this problem with Wraith, but given that they’re already investigating the ability, they may already have an idea that something isn’t quite right.