Apex Legends players hate new Takeover mode: “third-party simulator”

John Esposito
apex the hunt mode

Apex Legends players are furious with the new Takeover mode introduced with the Inner Beast event, as fans label it a “third-party” simulator.

After the culmination of the fifth-anniversary event, The Inner Beast Collection Event was revealed by Respawn Entertainment. Following similar events, players can unlock 24 uniquely-themed cosmetics and Octane’s second Heirloom.

The event also introduced a new Takeover mode, The Hunt. In this, players take on the roles of Hunter and Prey, utilizing additional data pads to facilitate the hunters in locating their prey more easily.

Not even 24 hours after the mode debuted, fans are labeling the mode as one of Apex Legends‘ worst yet.

Apex Legends player slam Hunt Takeover mode

In a post shared to the Apex Legends subreddit, one player let out a slew of criticism on the mode, focused on how The Hunt works. Their complaints center on the experience for solo players, targeting solos, and how the mode replaces the casual battle royale mode.

“These game modes could potentially be fun except for the fact that they force it down your throat and don’t even allow you to play the normal game because playing this is now your only option.”

The comments on the post echoed similar sentiments on the Takeover mode’s arrival. “I pretty much only play Ranked, but this is probably super sh**ty for everyone that just plays pubs. This game mode is pretty much just a third-party simulator,” one player said.

Others lamented on the removal of Straight Shot, the highly-beloved LTM that debuted with Season 20: “They took Straight Shot away and gave us this.”

Similar threads flood the game’s subreddit, with players blasting the event in general. Initial player reactions were harsh as fans dubbed it the “Inner Recolor” event.

Hopefully, the developers are noting player feedback, especially regarding Takeover modes replacing the core battle royale.