Apex Legends players make it clear what they want in the next major patch

Albert Petrosyan

With Apex Legends due for a major update soon, players have presented a list of things they want to see in the next patch.

The latest major update in Apex Legends was released on April 16, introducing a variety of changes to gameplay, weapons, Legends, and more.

With almost a month having passed since then, players are becoming more and more desperate for another big patch, especially considering that there are a lot of things in the game that need improving and fixing.

With that in mind, Reddit user ‘Techa’ has posted a long list of things that the next update should bring to Apex Legends.

Considering that the list received over 1,500 upvotes in just nine hours since being posted, it’s safe to say that a lot of the things listed are stuff that most players would probably agree with. 

Many players feel that a major update is long overdue in Apex Legends.
  • We need exploits and glitches fixed.
  • We need hitbox adjustments.
  • We need better tick rate or better ping matchmaking. When an enemy is spraying you and you close a door and the game pretends like the door is open.
  • We need [presumably Gibraltar’s] new passives to be fixed.
  • We need minor adjustments to other legends that help improve or smooth them out (like Mirage)
  • We need to be able to rejoin matches when the server or game crashes.
  • We need something changed or added to the map to spice things up.
  • We need new weapons to add some more strategies / effective combat ranges.
  • We need better loot distribution so we don’t open 5 supply bins and clear 2 rooms to just walk away with mostly throwables and white armors
  • And most importantly, we need next battle pass to be a heck of a lot better.

As the list suggests towards the end, what has a lot of players frustrated is the fact that Respawn Entertainment and EA promised that there would be a consistent pipeline of updates and patches in Apex Legends.

That has not turned out to be the case, however, as the lack of updates has become continuously more noticeable, and that’s not helped by the lack of constant communication from the developers.

Players want a much better Battle Pass for Season 2, one that includes might higher quality content that players can unlock and earn.

What can players expect in the next major update?

On April 25, EA released a blog post giving players a glimpse at what they can expect in the next major update. Among the things that they’ve claimed to be working on are:

  • Slow server performances at the beginning of a match
  • Audio issues
  • Cheaters
  • Hit registration issues

That being said, there’s no guarantee that the devs will have made any significant strides forward in any of those aspects by the time the next update goes live.

According to the official game road-map, Season 2 is expected to kick off in June, which is when the next major update may be released.

When does the next major update go live?

There hasn’t been any talk about a timetable for the release of the next big patch in Apex Legends, but the fact that one hasn’t been released yet seems to suggest that Respawn are waiting for the start of Season 2.

According to the official game roadmap, Season 2 will be kicking off in June, and EA have already confirmed that it will feature a new Battle Pass, new Legend, “something new for the meta,” and more.