Apex Legends players pin game’s downfall to devs getting “blinded by the money”
RespawnApex Legends players are wondering why the game has lost its magic, and they’ve pinpointed greed as the main cause.
Apex Legends has had a strong presence in the world of online multiplayer since it first released back in 2019.
Since then, it has gone through countless changes and additions, but the community doesn’t view these changes as proof of improvement.
Now, the fans have blamed the cause of this on the developers focusing too much on making money, rather than making the game a better experience.
Apex Legends players think the game is suffering from Respawn’s greed
A post on the Apex Legends subreddit simply bears the following title: “I miss how this game used to be.”
The post went on to explain that Apex has lost its magic and what made it so fun to begin with: “I’m a day one player, played regularly up until season 6, game just got so boring and lame.”
In addition, the Redditor listed several reasons why they feel the game is in rough shape, namely bad matchmaking, lame events, and a focus on microtransactions.
That last reason is one that the rest of the community is latching onto as well, with many fans believing the microtransactions are ruining the experience.
“The people at the top got blinded by the money and forgot what made people spend the money in the first place, the game.”
Many players believe Apex Legends developer Respawn is focusing more on making a profit than improving the game itself, which allows cheaters and hackers to run rampant.
One user explains this by saying, “And with all these engine bugs that allow ridiculous movement and cfg’s it’s lost most of its magic.”
Of course, there are some defenders of the game who think that a majority of these players are just relying too much on nostalgia, which has hampered their enjoyment:
“I’m not saying there aren’t issues, but I think a lot of it is nostalgia. I think the game itself is better. It’s just the player base being what it is, might make it harder for you to enjoy.”
Regardless of the reason why, it is clear that a solid chunk of the playerbase has fallen out of love with Apex Legends and feel that Respawn plays a big role in that.