Apex Legends players praise Season 20’s major crafting and Replicator changes

Philip Trahan
apex legends replicator header

Apex Legends players have taken to social media to praise the massive changes Season 20 introduced to crafting and Replicators.

Apex Legends Season 20 officially launched on February 13, 2024. The new season includes plenty of big changes such as the new Legend Upgrade System.

However, that wasn’t the only big change introduced in Season 20. In the official patch notes, developer Respawn Entertainment detailed that the Battle Royale’s crafting system would see some big tweaks as well.

While players have only had access to the new Season for a handful of days, many have already praised the new streamlined crafting system.

Apex Legends players praise Season 20 crafting changes

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit sparked a discussion among the community after one fan made a thread titled, “By far my favorite update of this season is the replicator change.”

The OP explained, “For as long as I can remember, weapons being locked in the replicator has been annoying to me (attachments too). It feels like a huge upgrade to me that all weapons and attachments are found on the ground.”

They also go on to praise the quicker crafting speed, which makes using Replicators feel much safer.

The player wasn’t alone in their praise for the new crafting system, with many other fans taking to the comments to share their own compliments.

“It actually gives you enough ammo to justify using it for ammo,” said one player. “Probably my favorite part about it.”

Another fan noted how these changes de-emphasized how important stopping at a Replicator during a match felt. “I like it because now the replicator isn’t such an important task that you and your team must do because other teams are doing it. It would take a whole minute out of the game or more if you and your team wanted to craft.”

While Season 20 is still in its infancy, it seems it has already made a fairly positive impression on Apex Legends fans.