Apex Legends players propose genius respawn buffs to prevent match leaving

Philip Trahan
Loba Apex Legends

An Apex Legend player proposed several different ways to buff the respawn mechanic to help prevent others from leaving games early.

In Apex Legends, when a player is knocked down and finished off, they aren’t permanently out of the game. Teammates can still pick up fallen player banners and revive them using a Respawn Beacon.

However, there are plenty of players who simply leave the match after getting killed, much to the frustration of their teammates.

To try and mitigate this, one fan suggested a handful of smart buffs to the respawn mechanic to give revived players a fighting chance and maybe even prevent future match quitting.

Apex Legends player proposes smart respawn buffs

The player proposed the buff on the Apex Legends subreddit and explained, “Improving the inventory of the Respawned Player can help strengthen the Respawn Mechanic, make it more effective, and offer a more Dynamic Gameplay experience.”

The post included an infographic to break down the buff idea and explained why they thought it could make the game better as a whole.

As for the buff itself, they suggested that players who respawned in Round 1 would drop back into the game with a P2020 and a 60 ammo stack, 1 Frag Grenade, 2 Shield Cells, 2 Syringe, 1 Shield Battery, and 1 MedKit.

If a player were brought back in Round 2 they would return with an RE-45 and an 80 ammo stack, 1 Arc Star, 2 Shield Cells, 2 Syringe, 1 Shield Battery, 1 MedKit, and 1 Heat Shield.

According to them, “Respawning teammates should not only be a means of bringing them back into the match but also an opportunity for them to make a meaningful impact by giving them a chance to survive and the ability to fight back quickly.”

Overall, fans seemed receptive to the idea, though many noted that respawning with larger healing items was a bit overkill. “If you remove the big meds and nades from the inventory. I don’t see a problem with this idea,” noted one player.

Whether or not the developer Respawn would actually implement this change is a different story, though the team has made changes to the kit players start matches with in the past.