Apex Legends players rejoice at downfall of “cheating” config users

Rory Teale
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Respawn released a surprise patch and stopped players from using Steam configurations to enhance their gameplay, and Apex players are very happy with it.

Apex Legends steam “configs” had become popular among players looking to gain an advantage over their opponents, and allowed controller players to tap strafe with ease and eliminate all gun recoil.

Players who were unwilling to alter their Steam settings, or play on console, were growing tired of the trend as they felt it was causing the game to become unfair.

However, in a surprise patch, developers Respawn released a patch that stopped the steam configurations from working. Here is how players who refused to use the configurations reacted to the “cheaters” getting stopped.

Apex Legends casuals and pros rejoice

Pro players and casuals alike reacted with joy and hoped that now they wouldn’t have to face cheaters anymore when they hopped on to play their favorite battle royale.

“Huge W respawn!” one person said. “Bad players acting like they’re good in shambles,” another agreed.

Pro players also agreed that Respawn had taken a step in the right direction with the change, and responded with near unanimous support to the changes.

“This is just the start of a new beginning for Apex let’s go,” said popular player TSM ImperialHal. “Love this competitive focused direction that Apex seems to be heading in going into season 20,” agreed player Naughty.

Still, there were some people who were upset with the changes and felt that Respawn had unfairly targeted controller players: “Remove it for all inputs then, including MnK” one unhappy fan complained.

Despite this, only time will tell if the changes made by Respawn have made a positive change to players’ experiences. For future Apex Legends updates, make sure to keep up-to-date with our dedicated page.

About The Author

Rory Teale writes about Gaming and Trending News for Dexerto. He is in his final year at Loughborough University, pursuing a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing. Rory is passionate about all things gaming, and spends his time playing Destiny 2, ranking up in competitive shooters, and testing his reaction skills and combos in games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat - and of course writing about anything and everything in-between. You can contact him at rory.teale@dexerto.com.