Apex Legends players want to rework the Gold Body Shield
Apex Legends has a diverse set of weapons and armor to give players an edge during intense firefights, but some players think the Gold Body Shield is sorely in need of an upgrade.
Difference in Armor
Respawn Entertainment launched their battle royale on February 4 with an array of unique characters along with a deep armory. Though the armor in the game come in tiers of Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary, some players think there’s not much disparity between the last two.
Both Epic and Legendary Body Shields give a player 4 bars of armor which equal to 100 hp. The difference between the two lie in the Legendary’s Executioner passive that fully regenerates the player’s shield when using a Finisher.
Nothing much Legendary about the Body Shield
Even though it seems like a free shield with every flashy elimination, the practicality of the perk fizzles out especially when entering the late game.
Some fans have even likened the armor to a less effective Shield Battery since a player “can’t move, can’t cancel if you spot someone, allows enemy to call out that you’re vulnerable” when using a finisher, according to Redditor ‘acrunchycaptain.’
The Apex community has been putting out suggestions to revamp the Legendary armor to finally make it a worthwhile item to look out for.
How to improve the Gold Body Shield?
Reddit user ‘Rayledare’ put together a unique concept to change out the current Gold Body Shield effect with another that works like Octane’s Swift Mend. But instead of healing HP over time, the new passive would regain Shield while having it equipped.
Adding to the idea, Redditor ‘PronShieldActivate’ suggested to name the armor effect “Saviour” while giving a “recharge on successful revives.”
The change would definitely give ample reasons for players to pick up the armor since it saves them tons of time by not needing to pull out a Battery for a refill.
Whether Respawn Entertainment go for a concept like this or choose to give the whole item a rework, it’s clear that players would appreciate a change to the Legendary equipment.