Apex Legends players share the nerfs they hate the most

Shane Black
Apex Legends Lifeline using her shield while reviving teammate

Apex Legends players are sharing their most-hated nerfs that have come to the game over the years.

Despite the core gameplay largely staying the same, Apex Legends has received plenty of changes over the years.

Much of this has to do with tweaking the various characters and their abilities that people can choose for each match.

Apex Legends players are now sharing the nerfs to these characters, called Legends, that they have disliked the most.

Apex Legends players share their least-favorite nerfs

The conversation is happening over on the Apex Legends subreddit, in a post that asks the simple question: “What nerfs have made you the saltiest?”

They detail how their top decision for the question is Lifeline’s revive shield being removed from the game and giving a similar ability to the character Newcastle.

They view this change as being too much, but also give an answer for something that isn’t enough: “I’m also kind of salty about Bangalore’s smoke being nerfed to stay for… 18 seconds instead of 23. Because it did nothing and she needs more nerfs.”

The community was quick to give their answers, with the top comment saying: “Mirage losing the ability to bamboozle all damage. I miss throwing a decoy into a caustic gas barrel so I know where to throw my 6 thermite ‘nades in the building nest.”

There are a handful more nerfs that Apex Legends fans offer, and they even reach a point to cause many players to have stopped playing the game entirely.

As they explain, “I kinda gave up on Apex for this reason lol, like bruh at least bring back her manual shield revive, the auto revive with a shield was a bit much.”

Of course, the devs have their reasons for nerfing these characters, but that rarely is enough to stave off the fans’ disappointment in seeing them.