Apex Legends players slam even “more broken” matchmaking as Respawn promise fixes soon

Joe Craven
Apex November 14 update header

Frustrated Apex Legends players continue to criticize the game’s matchmaking, describing it as “more broken” than ever and eagerly anticipating promised fixes from Respawn.

Matchmaking has been a hot topic in the Apex Legends community for some time, with fans debating the pros and cons of skill-based matchmaking and, more importantly, its reliability in Respawn’s battle royale.

Specifically, players have become increasingly frustrated at the matchmaking’s tendency to place players of wildly different skill levels together.

It has prompted detailed explanations of matchmaking from devs, as well as a more recent promise that Respawn will “fix” the inconsistencies showing in Season 15.

However, it doesn’t appear to have improved thus far, with disgruntled players sharing their experiences of being woefully mismatched in Apex Legends matches.

Apex Legends matchmaking under fire in Season 15 – again

In a November 11 Reddit post, one player shared an image of the number 22 ranked Apex Predator in a standard Gold lobby.

Naturally, the Apex Predator was far too good for their opponents and reportedly dominated the competition.

The player in question asked: “Is this common? If so, I’d tend to believe this will ruin ranked gameplay for lower ranks. Matchmaking needs to be worked on.”

The post garnered considerable attention from like-minded Apex Legends fans, many of whom shared similar moments of frustration and their own experiences of encountering players of a far greater skill level.

Some also reported the situation worsening recently, with one fan commenting: “I went the first 10 seasons of Apex without ever seeing a Predator and in the last 4 seasons I’ve seen 100+ as a platinum player. Something is definitely not working right.”

Respawn have previously committed to sorting the problems, but have not put a timescale on the adjustments. With Season 15 set to be the longest season for a while, plenty are hoping for changes ahead of Season 16.