Apex Legends players slam Season 11’s “trash” footstep audio

Joe Craven
Ash behind Horizon in Apex Legends Season 11

Apex Legends players are calling on Respawn to add major improvements to the game’s footstep audio, with plenty saying it has become more difficult to decipher enemy movements in Season 11. 

Audio has long been a hot topic in the Apex Legends community. Almost all players will know the pain of being ambushed by an enemy Gibraltar, despite all the shortcomings the gentle giant should possess in the art of subtlety.

However, since the launch of the highly anticipated Season 11 on November 2, many players have claimed that footstep audio is more inconsistent than ever; on occasions simply failing to cue enemies sprinting towards players.

Storm Point map with Apex Legends Season 11 logo
Season 11 brought Storm Point and Ash, but may have also brought some audio issues.

Redditor ‘Erydrim‘ highlighted the issues in a clip showing them being eliminated by an approaching enemy, despite receiving no audio cues to indicate an opponent was sprinting towards them.

They commented that they have noticed a “severe” increase in the footstep audio bug – often meaning they receive no enemy footstep audio whatsoever.

Another player echoed their comments, saying: “I have had so many people run up on me and my other members of my squad this season with zero audio… I have also noticed vertical audio in this season particularly is trash. People will be below and sound right beside me.”

Another Redditor, ‘heavylifted‘ wrote that footstep audio is as bad as it has ever been in Apex. They said: “I’ve had had far too many situations where enemies footsteps just can’t be heard, it’s worse than usual for me. All the streamers I watch seem to have the same thing. I’ve killed guys and I felt bad because I know they didn’t hear me run up at all.”

As of the time of writing, Respawn have not commented on the issues with sound in Season 11. They may want to make adjustments though, particularly with player suggestions that it has become worse since Season 11 dropped.