Apex Legends players uncover Broken Moon secret no one thought was possible

Alex Garton
Revenant Apex Legends

Apex Legends players have discovered a glitch that’s causing competitors to get double loot on the new Broken Moon map.

While every Apex Legends player goes into a match looking to rack up kills and secure a victory with their squad, it’s easy to get distracted if you discover something out of the ordinary.

This is especially true on a new map like Broken Moon, as Respawn hasn’t had the time to iron out glitches and bizarre issues in certain locations.

Well, Apex players have been running into an extremely unique but useful encounter on Boreas’ moon Cleo that gives them double loot.

To their surprise, after destroying one of the loot ticks found around the map, a second is often hidden directly underneath.

Loot tick Apex Legends
Loot ticks can be found in random locations on all of Apex’s maps.

Useful glitch offers Apex players double loot on Broken Moon

Showcased by popular Apex Legends YouTuber The Gaming Merchant, a glitch has been found on Broken Moon that’s providing players with double loot.

Just like Kings Canyon, Broken Moon contains loot ticks that are randomly scattered around the map. These small devices are shaped just like Apex packs and make noises to alert players of their position.

If meleed or shot, they explode into a bundle of useful loot, but the ticks on Broken Moon are a little more generous than intended.

After destroying one, players have discovered that another is often hidden underneath, effectively offering double loot.

While this is almost certainly a glitch, it’s completely harmless and a lot of players are hoping that Respawn doesn’t remove it.

Hitting loot ticks is incredibly satisfying so having the opportunity to melee two, one after another is definitely appreciated by the community.

So, next time you find a loot tick, make sure you double check there’s not a second one hidden in the same spot, it’s not guaranteed, but it’s well worth keeping your eyes peeled.