Apex Legends players admit devs were right as Solo mode gets ruined

Shane Black
Apex Legends Pathfinder with sad face on screen

Despite many calling for Solos to return, the Apex Legends community has now come to realize why the devs have been against bringing the mode back for a long time.

The temporary return of Solos mode was supposed to be an exciting moment for the game’s playerbase, that is until the issues of teamers and cheaters became rampant.

Now, Apex Legends fans are facing the music, as they have discovered that the devs may have been right to keep Solos away.

Though they claimed they’d never be bringing solos back as recently as January 2024, the mode came back – it’s already being ruined by the playerbase.

Even with the mode set to disappear soon, players want it gone immediately.

In one Reddit post, a user shares a video of their character dealing with a group of teamers, a term that refers to players who band together in a free-for-all game mode.

As the player mentions in their post: “The first time I saw it, I thought it was funny, but now it’s annoying. I’ve seen it 5 times this season…”

Another post on the subreddit shows a glaring example of cheating, as they spectate a player who lands every shot without even aiming before eventually winning the match.

These two videos are just a couple of examples of the state that Apex Legends’ Solos is in, and it’s showing fans why the devs were hesitant to bring it back.

As one user explains: “I think this is the main reason why the devs didn’t want to return the solo mode for a long time. Now we have it as proof or something like that.”

In fact, Respawn discussed the issues with Solos in a January 2024 Game Informer interview. In it, Lead Legend Designer Devan McGuire explained how playing alone went against the game’s philosophy, saying “A single character should never be the answer to every problem. They should be part of that team dynamic. That’s what creates interesting strategies in the game.”

It appears that many Apex Legends players are now understanding Respawn’s line of thinking, as one person explains, “I was happy for Solos and was hoping for it to be permanent too, but I want Duos back…”

Another fan claims they would even “pay so much money” to be able to play Apex Legends without any cheaters.

Fortunately for these people, Solos will be leaving Apex Legends very soon, but the whole experience has left many of them with a rude awakening: The devs were right all along.