Apex Legends players already want changes to Season 13 weapon pool

Philip Trahan
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Apex Legends players are calling for developer Respawn to change the Season 13 weapon pool, claiming the game would be “more fun” with fan-favorite weapons back as ground loot.

Season 13 of Apex Legends began on May 10 and broke player count records once again by bringing in a staggering 412,556 players at launch.

However, despite people flocking back to Apex Legends to try out the new season, some are already calling for changes to be made to improve the overall experience.

Specifically, many gamers are asking Respawn to adjust the current weapon pool by bringing the Volt SMG and G7 Scout out of Care Packages and back into the ground loot pool.

Apex Legends players call for weapon pool adjustments

Apex Legends players want Care Package weapons to return to the ground loot pool.

In a post to the Apex Legends subreddit by user KananStarks,’ they claim the pool of both light and energy weapons is held back by the Volt and G7’s absence.

With over 1.3K upvotes and 425 comments in just 12 hours, plenty of users seem to agree with the sentiment, with many echoing their concern over the current balance of the weapon pool.

Plenty of players seem to find the energy pool lacking at the moment due to the rarity of the Turbocharger hop-up, the L-Star nerf, and the Triple-Take’s dip in usefulness.

Additionally, many commenters have reported seeing a lack of energy ammo in both the ground loot pool as well as on player death boxes.

Of course, there are still those who aren’t as bothered by the current weapon pool. Some fans of the energy weapon class are happy others aren’t using them more frequently as they don’t have to worry about those weapons being used against them.

Early Season 13 sentiments still consider the Devotion LMG and the Havoc AR to be strong weapons when paired with the Turbocharger, but the supposed current lack of energy ammo makes the guns harder to rely on.

Whether Respawn takes this player feedback to heart remains to be seen, as there are no doubt plenty of changes in store as Season 13 continues.