Apex Legends pro discovers game-changing Fuse ‘wallhack’ exploit
Respawn EntertainmentApex Legends pro player Jamison “Jxmo” Moore discovered a Fuse combo with Lifeline that has the potential to change the meta entirely.
Fuse has been considered a low-tier Legend for most of his lifetime, but 2024 has been his year. Despite not being touched since September 2023 in terms of balance, his pick rate has skyrocketed due to how effective grenades are and the strength of Assault perks.
However, Apex Legends pro Jxmo has discovered an exploit that could push Fuse over the edge into being a must-pick legend.
The scan meta has come and gone due to how heavily both Seer and Bloodhound have been nerfed, but the combination of Fuse and Lifeline has a way of circumventing that and makes the Aussie one of Apex Legends’ best scan characters.
The FURIA player discovered that it’s possible to spread Fuse’s ultimate out over a much wider area by shooting their ult at Lifeline’s care package. Rather than gaining vision of the small area within the ult, Fuse can see through all the walls around him.
Sure, you won’t get that ring of fire to lock enemies in, but most high-level players would vastly prefer to have the ‘wallhacks’ in critical situations.
Fuse having essentially an indestructible Seer ult combined with all the other things that make him great creates a recipe for some huge meta shifts.
Most of the time, when a scan character is picked for a team, the scanning bit is all they do. If Fuse’s ult becomes one of the strongest data tools in Apex Legends, it will make him a must-play Legend.
Jxmo already spoke about how Pathfinder/Lifeline/Fuse is a great team composition to pull this off with, as each character covers all the bases you’d want on a team between their role passives.
That said, there’s a chance Respawn patches out the exploit now that Jxmo has discovered it.