Apex Legends pro Genburten shows why Lifeline is so underrated

Alex Garton
Genburten Apex Legends

Apex Legends Twitch streamer and pro player Noyan ‘Genburten’ Ozkose has shown why Lifeline is an underrated pick in Season 14.

When it comes to supports in Apex Legends, there’s only one character that fits the traditional healer role, and that’s Lifeline.

While this has made her a relatively popular pick in the Outlands since the game’s launch, a lot of the community feels that the Combat Medic is outdated and needs a full rework.

Although a set of buffs arrived for Lifeline in the Awakening Collection event that boosted the power of her Tactical and Ultimate, there are still rumblings from players that Respawn needs to do more.

Well, according to Genburten, Lifeline is an extremely strong pick in Season 14 and the reason is being overlooked by a lot of the community.

Lifeline Apex Legends
Lifeline has a 4.5% pick rate in Season 14.

Genburten thinks Lifeline is strong in Apex Legends Season 14

Genburten’s viewers have noticed the pro has been playing a lot of Lifeline in Season 14, and the talented player finally decided to share why.

During a recent stream presented by NoobHunterApex, Genburten explained that he’s not using the Combat Medic for her res or care package.

He’s actually “abusing Lifeline’s hitbox” which makes it incredibly hard for opponents to land shots on him, and makes it easy for him to make outplays.

It’s clear this strategy is working for Genburten as he described Lifeline as “goated” and the “meta” in Season 14.

Topic starts at 0:08

Of course, Lifeline’s hitbox is not her only strength, and Genburten showcased this in another clip with a clutch res.

Realizing he was caught in a choke and about to go down, he managed to get off her Tactical and start reviving his teammate.

This resulted in them wiping out the enemy squad and allowed them to continue looking for the win in their match.

If he wasn’t playing the Combat Medic, it’s unlikely any other character on the roster would have been able to outplay the situation.

So, before you disregard Lifeline in Season 14, it may be time to put in some practice with her and test her out in a few of your matches.

Who knows, before long, you could be solo-carrying games with the Combat Medic and pulling off clutch revives just like Genburten.