Apex Legends pro ImperialHal still can’t play because of constant DDoS attacks

Alex Garton
Imperialhal Apex Legends

Apex Legends pro Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen is finding it impossible to play Ranked due to targeted DDoS attacks that instantly crash his games.

While some Apex Legends players are satisfied with just playing standard matches, others prefer to test their skills against opponents of a similar level and climb the Ranked ladder.

Of course, in this competitive environment, squads typically work harder to pick up the victory and attempt to perform at their best for the entire match.

Unfortunately, some members of the community prefer to cheat when the stakes are high and at the top ranks, this usually involves targeted DDoS attacks.

Apex Legends pro ImperialHal has been on the receiving end of these attacks for multiple months now, and it’s making it impossible for him to play.

Apex Legends DDoS attacks
DDoS attacks are becoming a huge problem at high ranks.

ImperialHal is getting repeatedly DDoSed in Apex Legends

Although hackers and aimbots are frustrating to deal with, DDoS attacks are arguably the worst as they effectively freeze a player’s game and make it impossible to fight back.

That’s exactly what’s been happening to ImperialHal and his squad in Ranked recently, with the pro taking to Twitter on January 31 to show how hard it is for him to play.

As shown in the clip, the only option for Hal’s teammates is to attempt to grenade themselves to death or they’ll lose the maximum amount of RP.

Unfortunately, as the entire match crashing and lagging out due to the attack, it’s hard to use any throwables or even move in a specific direction.

Despite Respawn’s promises to ramp up the fight against DDoSers and even threatening legal action, the problem continues to persist with pros complaining about constant direct attacks.

Preserving the integrity of Ranked is incredibly important as players will have no motivation to climb the ladder if it’s being ruined by DDoSers and cheaters.

We’ll have to see if the devs have any plans in the near future to fix the issue but with Season 12 on the horizon, it’s safe to say they’ve got their hands full.