Apex Legends pro Mendo baffled after witnessing hacker vs hacker fight

Alan Bernal

Team Liquid pro Lucas ‘Mendokusaii’ Håkansson was baffled to see the state of Apex Legends after watching an epic gunfight between two high ranked hacking teams.

After reaching the top 10 in his Diamond-elo ranked match, Mendo was lasered by a hacker shortly before they took out the rest of his squad. Though at this point, the squad of streamers were more disappointed than surprised running into the team of Apex Legends cheaters.

While making plans to get off of Apex because of the influx in hackers above Diamond-elo, Mendo was spectating the player that took him down “because he ‘owned’ [Mendo], so [he wanted] to learn” from them.

Apex Legends players have been encountering hackers, especially in high elo games.

Spectating the cheaters was dull. Their gameplay was filled with botched Pathfinder grapples and awkward rotations that led basically nowhere.

But a dejected Mendo was soon brought to life after his killers confronted a team that proved to give them a good fight since they too were hacking.

“This is hacker versus hacker, what?!” Mendo said. “What has this game turned into?!”

The Epicenter quickly came alive with gunfire as aim botters were doing their best to land shots on speed hackers.

It was a surreal sight to see an aim hacking player take cover for once. In fact, both sides were taking damage as the Bloodhound was quickly taken out.

Even the Pathfinder that managed to strike down Mendo had their purple shield popped as they tried to land shots with their L-Star to no avail.

It was a bout of hacks in Apex Legends featuring the group of cheaters.

Eventually, the hacker that took Mendo out was downed, leaving a lone Gibraltar to clean up the situation.

While Pathfinder had some trouble getting their shots to land, the Gibby managed to keep up with the competition with speed hacks of their own.

This group of hackers managed to be better than their counterparts, eventually leading to a win.

Damage numbers were appearing all over the Apex Legends map, as speed hackers were getting hit with aim bots.

While this isn’t the kind of gameplay anyone hopes to see, by spectating the hackers Mendo made it more likely that the devs will notice them that could lead to bans.

Respawn has been trying to get a hold of Apex Legends’ hacking problems, but there are still multiple instances of entire matches being shut down because of a looming cheater.