Apex Legends players want a break from Season 14’s “quippy” voice lines
Electronic ArtsApex Legends players have already grown tired of the “extra quippy” voice lines from Vantage and other heroes in Season 14.
Quips and other mid-battle comments from Apex Legends characters have become a normal occurrence in the game.
More than anything, the voice lines help convey each character’s unique personality. As such, Respawn wrote different lines for different situations, including dire circumstances.
But not all players are on board for the number of times certain Legends choose to get quippy during combat encounters. And they’re beginning to make their frustrations known.
Apex Legends fans want Season 14’s voice lines dialed down
Redditor _Stir_Fry recently started a thread criticizing how often characters yell out quippy lines of dialogue. The Reddit user specifically calls attention to Vantage in this regard because of “her constant voice spam after hitting shots with [her Ultimate].”
This problem isn’t exclusive to the newly added sharpshooter, however. The player said they’ve noticed a “trend” with newer heroes, “where they have an extra quippy voice line after a normal one.”
While Respawn shouldn’t do away with the voice lines, _Stir_Fry would at least like the option to turn them off, especially since Apex Legends has long suffered from audio issues.
The Reddit thread is, of course, replete with players reciting some of their favorite and least favorite one-liners. But most seem to agree that Apex Legends would benefit from better-balanced battle commentary.
Redditor Strificus probably said it best, “I wish that you had options to disable flavor audio and still allow for useful voice lines. There needs to be more granular settings.”
Whether or not the crew at Respawn will ever apply such criticism to the experience presently remains to be seen. Apex faithful probably shouldn’t hold their breaths, though, since the game is still beset with audio hiccups.