Apex Legends ranked players frustrated by “rats” abandoning teams in Season 17

Carver Fisher
Apex Legends Season 17 rat players

Apex Legends players at all ranks have noticed that their teammates are choosing to split off and find a “rat spot” from the very start of the game, leading to mounting frustrations amongst the playerbase.

Finding a ranked system that works for everyone in Apex Legends has been a tall order. The devs have completely overhauled the system and changed the way it calculates rank multiple times, and yet players have pushed back at every turn.

To show just how easy it is to exploit the current system, Apex Legends pro sweet has already showed that it’s possible to hit Predator without killing anyone.

Now, it seems that other players at all ranks have taken inspiration and are resorting to finding “rat spots” of their own, separate from their team, in order to reach high ranks faster in Apex Legends Season 17.

Apex Legends Season 17 filled with “rats” who solo drop

Unlike many other games within the Battle Royale genre, Apex Legends requires players who queue ranked to be filled into squads of three. There is no solo mode that allows players to try their luck at surviving on their own.

However, that hasn’t stopped some players from branching off on their own and sitting in a corner, a.k.a. a “rat spot”, and just waiting out the circle to try and place as high as possible without fighting.

This has always been possible to some extent in low-ranked lobbies, but the new ranked system evening out the RP cost of queuing has only lowered the risk of players leaving their teams behind and ratting for RP gains. While some players like ImperialHal have recommended using the opportunity to improve your mechanics and fight early, others are abusing the system.

A clip of players in a high ranked lobby chasing after a solo dropping player has gained some traction, with several other players sharing their experiences with teammates deciding to drop solo and leave their team behind.

“They should have titled this season ‘the big rat hunt'”, one user joked.

Others were confused by why a player in such a high-rated lobby would feel the need to split off on their own like this. “It’s crazy that people are breaking off from their squads in high ranked games like your Master lobby! What’s the point?”