Apex Legends rarest cosmetics revealed – and almost no one is using them

Connor Bennett
Fuse in Apex Legends holding ultimate weapon

Apex Legends players have uncovered the ‘rarest’ cosmetics in the game, as only five players out of millions have a set of banners equipped on their player card.

Just like many of its battle royale rivals, Apex Legends has taken a dive into the cosmetics market, with Respawn Entertainment dropping everything from character skins, weapon charms, player cards, and beyond.

While some players focus on racking up wins in the Apex Games, there are plenty of players who focus on collecting these cosmetics too – with many wanting to just flaunt some of the items that never will appear in the item store ever again.

Plenty of the rarest skins and cosmetics can be traced back to the early seasons of Apex, but when it comes to the actual rarest cosmetics, it looks as if players have found them – and they’re not actually that old.

What are the rarest cosmetics in Apex Legends?

On September 2, Apex Legends Status – a stat tracking website for Apex Legends – highlighted the fact that the rarest items are from the first Apex Legends x Monster Energy collaboration, which happened in 2021.

Six items were available in this collab – Three holo-sprays and banners for Wattson, Octane, and Fuse – but you had to have entered a competition.

According to ALS’ status, no players currently utilize the Fuse banner, while only two players have the Wattson one on their card, and just a further three players use the eye-catching Octane design.

Some players have questioned just widespread the collab was advertised, seeing as this is the first they’ve heard about these specific banner frames being a thing.

It might be worth checking your inventory to see if you’ve been lucky enough to own these cosmetics. If you do, why not flaunt them, as it’s proven that are pretty much a million to one to have.