Apex Legends rumor claims Season 16 might skip a new Legend

Connor Bennett
Ash in Apex Legends in white, red, gold skin looking down at ground

Apex Legends Season 16 could be the first in the battle royale’s history to skip adding a new legend, at least that’s the rumor some insiders are working with. 

When Apex Legends first launched back in 2019, Respawn Entertainment gave players an original roster of eight characters, six being unlocked right from the start and two others – Caustic and Mirage – being unlockable. 

Since then, the battle royale has expanded exponentially, and there are 20 legends in-game currently. Each new season is marked with the arrival of a new legend that instantly jumps to the top of the meta and pick rate charts.

For a few seasons now, there have been rumors that Respawn would slow the roll when it comes to adding new characters, with the devs themselves saying they are aware of the threat of having too many legends. Well, Season 16 could be in line for just that kind of slowdown. 

Apex Legends Season 16 might not have new legend

As noted, the rumor has been around for a season or so now, but it picked up steam again in early December when reliable Apex leaker ThordanSmash stated he “genuinely thinks” Respawn would skip adding a new character in Season 16.

The YouTuber highlighted that claim again on December 18, saying there was “slight concern” about there not being a new legend, before adding a day later that Respawn were focused on buffs and nerfs for the current roster. 

“No new legend, but legend buffs and nerfs including Lifeline buff with Care Package dropping faster,” he noted in his December 19 video as he went over a number of leaks and rumors surrounding Apex for 2023. 

Not having a new legend to play and get to grips with would likely concern a fair few fans, but there have been plenty who have been supportive of an operation health-like season that focuses solely on fixing issues and rebalancing the game. 

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, as it is Respawn’s call at the end of the day, but the leaker has proven himself more than reliable in the past.