Apex Legends Season 19 weapon changes: Care package Wingman, Hemlok nerf, more

Jacob Hale
Conduit holding gun in Apex Legends Season 19

Apex Legends Season 19 comes with a number of new buffs and nerfs to the weapons in the game, as well as changes to care package weapons, crafting, and more. Here’s everything you need to know.

As with every new season, developers Respawn Entertainment are bringing a number of notable changes to the weapons in the game for Season 19, which launches on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Among the major changes are a nerf to the Hemlok, a Wingman buff, and a Care Package update that makes them even more helpful for weapons.

Here are the weapon buffs and nerfs in Apex Legends Season 19.

Season 19 weapon buffs & nerfs

Care Package & Wingman changes

In Season 19, the Wingman will be removed from floor loot and added to Care Packages, with a damage buff to boot and a Skullpiercer ‘elite’ hop-up too. The Wingman will be replacing the L-Star.

Not only that, but Care Packages will now always have one weapon in them, at all stages of the game, making them more useful when you need a gun or are not happy with the ones you have.

Care Package Weapon Rotation

  • L-Star EMG returns to the floor
    • Removed Disruptor Rounds
    • Projectile size reduced
    • Improved recoil pattern
    • Reduced randomness in the early part of the recoil pattern
    • Damage increased to 17 (was 16)
    • Barrel attachment improved to match other weapons
  • Wingman enters the care package
    • New hop-up – Skullpiercer Elite: ignores helmet headshot damage reduction
    • Boosted Loader hop-up attached
    • Base damage increased to 50 (was 45)
    • Projectile size increased
    • 110 ammo

Crafting Rotations

Crafting Rotation

  • RE-45 and 30-30 Repeater leave the crafter and are back on the floor
  • R-301 and Volt enter the crafter
  • Boosted Loader removed from crafting rotation
  • Digital Threat optic removed from crafting rotation
  • Hammerpoint Rounds added to crafting rotation

Gold Weapons Rotation

  • Havoc, RE-45, C.A.R. SMG, L-Star, Longbow DMR


  • Boosted Loader: removed from floor loot
  • Turbocharger: Removed 1 damage reduction when equipped

Weapon balancing

30-30 Repeater

  • Increased hipfire spread

Bocek Bow

  • Faster initial draw speed
  • Select Fire button now toggles Shatter Caps
  • Tightened Shatter Caps blast pattern

Charge Rifle

  • Improved bullet drop ballistics
  • Increased projectile size


  • Damage reduced to 21 (was 22)

Longbow DMR

  • Increased projectile size


  • Increased Amped Shot projectile size