Apex Legends Season 21 makes underwhelming map worth playing

Shane Black
Apex Legends Broken Moon new look

Apex Legends improved one of the game’s worst maps with the latest update, breathing new life into it as Season 21 begins.

Broken Moon arrived in Apex Legends in Season 15 and quickly fell out of favor with the community. Beyond some big bugs on the map, many felt the map’s design was too bland, with all of its POIs looking nearly identical with minimal changes and traversal not being all that fun due its layout.

That is changing, however, with the new Upheaval update for Apex Legends’ Season 21, which sees Broken Moon receive a good chunk of changes that make the map worth playing again.

The map as a whole has a much different look than before, thanks to a darker color palette giving the location a much more sinister feel. However, the changes go much deeper than simply the coloring of the environment.

Broken Moon Apex Legends old look
Broken Moon in Apex Legends looks drastically different.

What sets this version of Broken Moon apart from its predecessor is the POIs. Now, places like Solar Pods boast new buildings and ziplines that offer a greater sense of verticality.

It gives Broken Moon its own sense of character and identity now, rather than a map that was consistently being compared to other maps.

Across social media, the fans can be seen loving the changes as well. One player on the Apex Legends subreddit goes so far as to claim the map has been “fixed.”

It seems to have completely changed the sentiment around the map, with another fan saying: “So far so good, I love it too! I think this updates fixes all the griefs I had with the map. Can’t wait to play it more.”

Other players are pointing out how the new buildings on the map don’t just feel different from the previous version, but they feel completely new to the game as a whole. This does even more to make Broken Moon worthwhile and feel like a totally new experience.

Broken Moon was a disappointment when it first came to Apex Legends, and it’s great to see the devs recognize these shortcomings and do something about them.