Apex Legends Season 6 Quest reward teases new map Olympus

Calum Patterson
Apex Legends rocket new map

[jwplayer qaZ6XJi1]Once you have completed the Season 6 quest in Apex Legends, The First Ship, you will be rewarded with a weapon charm. Although seemingly innocuous, this weapon charm is actually yet another teaser for city of Olympus.

If you’re not caught up with the latest lore around Apex Legends and where the games could be headed next, all signs point to the planet of Psamathe, specifically Olympus, a city in the sky.

Psamathe is the home planet of both Lifeline and Octane, and has been hinted at more than a few times in trailers, quests, and now, cosmetic items. If you need to catch up on all the teasers so far about Olympus, check out our full breakdown here.

Once you complete The First Ship quest, which is now possible with the last part of the comic released, you will receive the cosmetic item called ‘Ride Share’, a weapon charm.

Ride Share weapon charm in Apex Legends
The new Ride Share charm – a form of transport on Olympus?

Although it doesn’t seem like much at first, on closer inspection, some interesting details become clear. As highlighted by @biast12 on Twitter, the side of the object is inscribed with ‘Olymbus’.

Combined with the name ‘ride share’, it’s clear that this is some form of transport, probably used on Olympus. As it’s a city in the sky, there would need to be some transport to get across areas with no ground to stand on.

Olymbus up close
Presumably, the Olymbus is a mode of transport in the sky city of Olympus.

There’s no confirmation yet of course, but if Olympus is a new map coming to Apex Legends, then there’s even a possibility that these ‘Olymbus’ vehicles could be usable on the map.

This could potentially be a new mechanic for fast travel, to change from the current Jump Towers on Kings Canyon and World’s Edge.

If the map is set high in the sky, dangers of falling off to your death could be increased, so possibly Olymbus vehicles would provide means of transport over gaps.

This is all speculation for now, but with Season 7 approaching in November, we don’t have long to wait. Check out everything we know about Season 7 so far.