Apex Legends supply bin on Olympus guarantees gold loot every time in Season 12

Alex Garton
Apex Legends supply bin

An Apex Legends loot bin on the revamped Olympus map is providing players with gold loot almost every match in Season 12, and it’s relatively easy to locate.

Season 12 of Apex Legends has finally arrived and, as always, the community is exploring the revamped Olympus map for the best loot locations and landing spots.

While players are often familiar with specific POIs that contain valuable loot, it’s very rare that they can pinpoint a specific bin that consistently provides top-tier items.

Well, thanks to Apex Legends YouTuber The Gaming Merchant that seems to have changed in Defiance, as they’ve managed to locate a supply bin on the edge of the map that drops gold loot almost every single game.

Olympus supply bin provides high-tier loot every match

Olympus loot location Apex
Here’s the specific location of the top-tier loot box.

Although top-tier loot will never guarantee you victory, it certainly helps in skirmishes and gunfights, especially in the latter stages of a match.

So, getting your hands on gold and purple loot at the beginning of a game can be a huge boost to your odds of winning. As a result, it may be time to check out a specific supply bin on Olympus located on the Northside of the Docks POI.

Showcased by The Gaming Merchant on their second channel, the bin regularly provides top-tier loot and even gives him a whopping three gold items in his video.

Remember, this supply bin is right on the edge of the map, so be prepared for a long run once you’ve got your hands on the loot.

Keep in mind, it’s unlikely that this spot is going to remain quiet for very long, especially with The Gaming Merchant’s video currently sitting at over 170,000 views.

So, if you’re thinking of dropping down onto this location be prepared for a fight, but if you do manage to pick up the items from the supply bin, it’s safe to say you’re on your way to victory.