Apex Legends Support legend concept fights alongside robot Prowler

Alex Garton
Eve Apex Legends Support

A talented Apex Legends artist and animator has created their own Support Legend who fights alongside a robot Prowler companion.

With only two Support characters in Apex Legends, it’s safe to say the category is in need of some love and the community is desperate to see a new one added to the roster.

However, with Vantage set to arrive in the upcoming Hunted update, it’s going to be Season 15 at the earliest before we see a new Support in the Outlands.

Well, instead of waiting for Respawn, talented artist Preeti decided to take designing a new Legend into their own hands, creating Eve and her robot Prowler companion.

Apex artist designs new Support character Eve

When it comes to Eve’s design, it’s obvious Preeti was looking to create a traditional support Legend, with a healing drone similar to Lifeline.

However, Eve’s Tactical differentiates itself from the Combat Medic’s drone by only having single target healing, including shield restoration, and dropping out when a gunfight kicks off.

Of course, while Eve’s recon-style Passive and healing Tactical are impressive, it’s her robot Prowler Ultimate that really steals the show. When deployed, the robot companion will attack enemy squads within a 30-meter radius, and also steal health from opponents, equally distributing it between the team.

If you’re looking for a full breakdown of the abilities, damage, and healing, check out Preeti’s detailed description below:

If that wasn’t enough, Preeti has used their skills as a talented artist to produce some original artwork for Eve, and it’s absolutely stunning.

Her outfit fits a Support legend perfectly and they’ve even included extra information on Eve’s lore within the artwork.

While it’s unlikely Respawn will ever copy a fan’s concept and add it into the game, we can at least hope the designers see Preeti’s idea.

With players coming up with incredible suggestions on a daily basis, let’s hope Respawn’s future new Support Legend can live up to the high expectations.