Apex Legends devs explain why they stopped releasing support Legends after Loba

Brianna Reeves
apex legends support legends

During a Reddit AMA, Respawn developers explained why they haven’t released new support Legends since Loba arrived in Apex Legends Season 5.

The battle royale’s roster presently plays host to only two Support heroes – Lifeline and Loba. (Technically, Pathfinder also boasts support qualities, though he lacks healing benefits.)

Loba joined the popular online title when Season 5 launched in May 2020. Since then, Respawn Entertainment has debuted several other Legends, with the offensive class receiving plenty of love.

But players who prefer support roles feel left in the dust due to the disproportionate number of Legends for their class of choice.

Devs explain lack of new support Legends in Apex Legeds

While fielding questions in a Reddit AMA session, Lead Game Designer RV-Devan addressed whether or not more support characters are on the docket.

The developer couldn’t divulge specifics about what the future may hold but told fans the following: “…Support Legends are one of the more difficult roles to bring to Apex without over-indexing in healing and resets that make fights drag on and upset the already high TTK of the game.”

Those who like to main support heroes shouldn’t give up hope, however. According to RV-Devan, the team is interested in offering a “more balanced roster of class roles” sometime in the future.

apex legends support legends
Apex Legends’ Lifeline

RV-Devan’s comment comes months after Respawn acknowledged support as an “underserved playstyle.”

In so doing, Apex Legends’ Gameplay Engineer, Chris Winder, teased the team had a few “things cooking” with respect to building new support Legends.

Evidently, whatever those plans entailed have yet to come to fruition as far as the public is concerned. The most recent character to join the fun, Vantage, is a sharpshooting recon Legend.

Leaks suggest Apex Legend’s Season 15 newcomer will be a builder named Catalyst. EA and Respawn haven’t corroborated as much at the time of writing.