Apex Legends November 5 patch notes: Triple Take & EVA-8 nerfed, G7 Scout buffs

Andrew Amos
G7 Scout in Apex Legends

Respawn have shipped a surprise Apex Legends patch on November 5. The patch notes list out changes to the Triple Take, EVA-8 Auto, and the G7 Scout ⁠— three weapons which were adjusted in the Season 11 launch.

Apex Legends Season 11 has gotten off to an explosive start with new Legend Ash, the Storm Point map, and plenty of other changes.

However, just days after its launch, Respawn has quickly shipped out a patch to bring some of the game’s weapons in line.

The new C.A.R. SMG hasn’t been touched, but the Triple Take, EVA-8 Auto, and G7 Scout are in line for changes.

Here’s what’s coming in the latest Apex Legends patch, which went live on November 5.

Pathfinder using Triple Take in Apex Legends
The Triple Take is one of three guns being adjusted in Apex Legends’ November 5 update.

What’s coming in Apex Legends’ November 5 update?

Triple Take and EVA-8 nerfed as Season 11 changes miss mark

Both the Triple Take and EVA-8 Auto underwent major changes in Apex Legends Season 11. The former was shifted back to ground, and was reworked back into being an Energy Marksman Rifle, while the shotgun was hit with a fire rate nerf.

Both ‘nerfs’ weren’t enough however. So, Respawn are shipping some extra nerfs to each gun in the hotfix.

The EVA-8 Auto’s damage per pellet has been reduced from 7 to 6. This means a maximum burst can now do 54 damage to the body, instead of 63. Combined with the fire rate nerf bringing the shotgun back to pre-Season 8 levels, other guns might rise in its place.

“It’s much more forgiving than the Mastiff [or Peacekeeper], and the damage differential doesn’t seem as wide as it should be when considering the others,” developer John ‘JayBiebs’ Larson said.

The Triple Take’s headshot multiplier has been dropped from 2 to 1.75 to bring it “in line with other Marksman [weapons].”

G7 Scout buffed further after Care Package shift

For those disappointed by the G7 Scout’s shift into Care Packages in Apex Legends Season 11, the fan-favorite marksman rifle is getting a handy buff.

Respawn determined the 80 ammo count for the weapon was too low, almost doubling it to 140 in the hotfix. They have also increased the headshot multiplier to 2 to give it more of a Care Package gun feel.

“[The] Scout needs some extra ammo as the signature mid/long range suppressor,” JayBiebs said.

Bangalore holding G7 Scout over shoulder in Apex Legends
The G7 Scout should feel more like a Care Package weapon after its Apex Legends’ November 5 hotfix buffs.

Some bug fixes were also shipped, including removing the Double Tap Trigger hop-up from crafting, and removing a kill trigger covering holes around maps.

You can find the full Apex Legends November 5 patch notes below.

Apex Legends November 5 patch notes

Weapon Changes

EVA-8 Auto

  • Pellet damage reduced from 7 to 6

G7 Scout

  • Ammo reserves increased from 80 to 140
  • Headshot multiplier increased from 1.75 to 2

Triple Take

  • Headshot multiplier decreased from 2 to 1.75

Bug fixes

  • Removed Double Tap hop-up from crafting
  • Removed a kill trigger that covered some holes where players could fall underneath the map
  • Re-enabled Firing Range third-person easter egg