Apex Legends Wattson heirloom concept is truly electrifying

Lauren Bergin
Apex Legends Wattson

Apex Legends’ most coveted items are the heirlooms, and one fan has created an awesome design for Wattson that we’d love to see in the Outlands. 

Heirlooms, Melee weapon skins exclusive to specific Legends, represent not only a glimpse into the character’s past, but also your in-game prowess.

Only available in Apex packs, players are guaranteed an heirloom for every 500 of the triangular bundles of goodness that they open. The whole system, though, relies on luck and a whole lot of grinding (or spending).

With Revenant hinted to be the next Legend receiving an heirloom, and other trinkets supposedly in the works for Rampart and Crypto, French fence-builder extraordinaire Wattson has been left out in the cold. As Wattson mains get impatient, a fan has designed the perfect heirloom just for her.

Apex Legends Gibraltar heirloom
Fellow defensive Legend, Gibraltar, has his very own heirloom.

Apex Legends Wattson heirloom idea

As the Outlands resident electrical expert remains in the middle of the pack, one fan has decided to show her a little love.

“Since Wattson isn’t getting her heirloom anytime soon, I designed her one myself,” Dutch cosplayer and prop maker, YonyanCosplay, explained.

The heirloom takes the form of a dagger, its main body split in two. Generating electricity in its central core, the copper wire inlays carry the current up through the knife’s blade.

Sparks can be seen jumping from one side to the other, reminding us of using cheap electrodes in high school science classes. This, however, is a lot cooler.

Fans have praised the idea as being “really cool,” and have used Yonyan’s design as a launchpad for their own ideas. From rusty old cattle prods to electrical whips, her heirloom has inspired a pretty interesting debate.

So, while Wattson seems an unlikely pick for the next heirloom, we can’t wait to see what Respawn finally come up with for her. As long as it’s a combination of electricity and Nessie, though, we’ll be pretty happy.