Apex Legends: Where to find all hidden Nessies in Season 17 Firing Range

Philip Trahan
apex legends nessie plush header

Apex Legends’ new and improved Firing Range in Season 17 offers players the chance to find a bunch of Easter Eggs in the form of hidden Nessies. Here’s how to find all the plushies around the map.

Apex Legends’ Season 17 update is finally here, bringing with it a ton of new gameplay updates and additions to the battle royale.

One of the biggest changes comes in the form of the game’s Firing Range, which received a brand new map with a tons of features added to help players train before diving into a match.

On top of the new map features, developer Respawn Entertainment also added new Easter Eggs for players to find in the form of hidden Nessies scattered around the Firing Range. Here’s how players can locate all of the secret plushies scattered across the map.

All Apex Legends Season 17 hidden Nessie locations

Green Nessie #1

The first Green Nessie that players can find is the one closest to spawn. To find it, exit the center spawn room and enter the left Spawn room. The Green Nessie is sitting behind and crate on the left side of the entrance.

Players can collect these Nessie plushies in their inventory by pressing the ‘Interact’ button on them. A small squeaking sound will play, letting you know you have collected it.

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Green Nessie #2

The next Green Nessie players can find is right at the bottom of the weapon range. To find it, locate the Red weapons and check the front of the weapons rack to find the plushie.

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Green Nessie #3

The next Green Nessie really ramps up this fun game of hide-and-seek. To find Nessie #3, head to the 1v1 pit on the left side of the map. Behind the pit is a cliffside leading into the ocean at the end of the map. On a ledge beneath it, players should find a Green Nessie alongside five mini-Wattson dolls.

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Green Nessie #4

The fourth Green Nessie is located near the large tower in the center of the map. Head to the building behind the tower and look underneath the staircase in the dirt on the backside of the building to collect it.

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Green Nessie #5

Green Nessie number five is located at the very top of the tower near the building you just stopped at. This Nessie will likely require a Legend like Horizon, Pathfinder, or Valkyrie as the zipline will only take you so high. Find the Nessie sitting next to a folding chair and collect it.

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Green Nessie #6

The next Green Nessie is sitting inside the drop ship perched on the helipad a ways behind the large tower. Simply go over to the drop ship to find it perched on a shelf next to the weapons box.

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Green Nessie #7

The seventh Green Nessie may be the trickiest for players to collect. It is located on a branch high up in the middle evergreen tree on the right side of the map.

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The easiest way to collect it is to use Valkyrie’s jetpack to hover up to it and then spam the interact button to successfully collect it.

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Green Nessie #8

The next Green Nessie plush will require the use of a tool introduced in Season 17. First, collect an Evac Tower from one of the weapon boxes around the map. Deploy it on the cliff on the right side of the map next to the tree you just collected Nessie #7 from.

apex legends hidden nessie 7 location

Use the Evac Tower to fly over to the island and head to the back of it. Here, you should find the eighth Nessie nestled against a couple of trash bags.

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Green Nessie #9

The ninth Green Nessie is found somewhat close to spawn. After leaving the previously mentioned island, turn left and head towards the left side of the Firing Range compound. The Nessie plush is tucked into a corner on a ledge. Again, players may have to use a Legend like Valkyrie and Pathfinder to find this plushie.

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Green Nessie #10

The final Green Nessie plush is located in the Southern edge of the Firing Range. To find it, head towards the mountainous area next to the giant cannon. Climb the mountain and, once you reach the top, the last plushie will be sitting on top of a weapons box.

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Special Nessies

There are also a handful of special Nessie plushies that come in different colors. These Nessies require players to complete certain hidden challenges throughout the Firing Range.

Pink Nessie

To collect the Pink Nessie, players need to earn 100 kills in the Firing Range. This will take some time, but players can speed up the process by collecting a Throwing Knife and hitting headshots on the training dummies around the map.

Once done, the Pink Nessie will spawn on the railing that houses the zipline leading to the top of the central tower.

apex legends hidden pink nessie

Blue Nessie

Respawn’s Gameplay Programmer Ian Holstead confirmed on Twitter that there is a Blue Nessie hidden somewhere in the Firing Range, though the community has yet to find it at the time of writing.

We will update this guide whenever more hidden Nessies are found!

Golden Nessie

There is also a Golden Nessie that players can find, though the method to get it to spawn is still unconfirmed. Players have tried using the Charge Tower and earning 40,000 damage, but upon testing these methods ourselves, the Golden Nessie did not spawn.

However, players should check the back right wall of the center spawn room behind the large crate, as this is where the Golden Nessie is supposed to spawn whenever its challenge is completed.

We will update this guide whenever more hidden Nessies are found!

And there you have it! That’s all the currently known locations for the hidden Nessies scattered around the Apex Legends Firing Range in Season 17. For more Apex Legends content check out the links below:

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