Apex Legends Wraith Prestige skin glitch unlocks unreleased mythic cosmetic

Alex Garton
Wraith Apex Legends

An Apex Legends glitch is allowing players to unlock the unreleased Wraith Prestige skin and equip it in-game.

While characters and gunplay will always be the most important aspect of Apex Legends, cosmetics are absolutely essential as well.

They allow players to customize their appearance in the Outlands and obtain rare skins that are only available for a limited amount of time.

Out of all of these collectibles, none are more sought-after than the Prestige cosmetics which require 150 heirloom shards to unlock.

These evolving skins are only available for Bangalore and Bloodhound so far, but thanks to a glitch, it appears some players have unlocked Wraith’s unreleased Prestige skin early in Season 15.

Wraith Apex Legends
Wraith has an 8.5% pick rate in Season 15.

Unreleased Wraith Prestige skin is being used in Apex Legends

Courtesy of Twitter user Rafa05477884 and showcased by popular Apex Legends YouTuber Grrt, it appears a player has managed to unlock Wraith’s Prestige skin early.

This mythic cosmetic has already been leaked and is rumored to be arriving in Season 15 according to leakers.

However, there’s no way any player should have access to it just yet. Despite this, Rafa05477884 spotted an enemy player using the unreleased skin in Arenas.

As showcased in the video, it’s unlikely to be a visual glitch as the opponent’s banner includes the skin and it also appears on the introductory screen ahead of the match.

While it’s impossible to know how this player has access to the Prestige skin, some of the community have speculated they know a dev.

However, this seems extremely unlikely, and it’s probably a glitch related to the Season 15 update, with Grrt speculating they may have forgotten to switch on the anti-cheat for certain cosmetics.

Either way, let’s hope Respawn can fix this issue as soon as possible, as they do not want their unreleased skins being used ahead of their scheduled events.