Best Apex Legends controller layout settings to get an advantage

Connor Bennett
A playstation controller on the Oasis POI in Apex Legends

As Season 9 of Apex Legends is just around the corner, there are some controller layouts that can help to give you a leg up in certain situations. Valkyrie has just been revealed as the newest Legend, so you’ll need to make sure you’re running the best to keep up.

Unlike other battle royales, Apex Legends is a game that has unique characters with even more unique abilities. To be a real Apex Predator and master them, though, you’ve got to brush up on weapon recoil, landing spots, and rotations. On top of that, top-tier players have ridiculous movement skills that make them hard to hit. 

For a large majority of these players, those movement skills are enhanced by the button layout they use – regardless of whether it’s through a keyboard and mouse or a controller. 

Horizon smiling in Apex Legends
Being able to master a legend like Horizon is just one part of the puzzle in Apex.

It comes courtesy of Reddit user xChallen6er, who has created the layout to make it easier for players to jump and crouch – rather than the two buttons being on opposite ends of the controller.

What the Redditor has done is move the sprint control to the right thumbstick and the jump to the left thumbstick – with the crouch control being moved to the left shoulder control (L1 on PlayStation, LB on Xbox.)

Apex Legends controller layout
The optimum controller layout for improved movement.

Everything else is pretty much the same as typical controls – aiming being L2/LT and shooting being R2/RT. Though, one difference is that a character’s ultimate is X/A – making it slightly easier to use. 

As the player notes, it is a bit of a drastic change, and it would take some time to get used to if players decided to make the switch. 

It might not work everyone, as players are comfortable with different setups, but throwing sprint and jump so close together could work wonders if mastered.

The ability to more easily spam crouch with the bumper button makes you a much harder target during a gunfight, while also allowing you to aim. Players with modified controllers with extra buttons can get around this by default, but this button layout helps players with just standard PlayStation or Xbox controllers.

About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at