Bizarre Apex Legends bug with Caustic’s Gas Trap sends Pathfinder flying

Alan Bernal

There is a strange bug in Apex Legends that can take players by surprise especially now that it can be used as a delivery system for Pathfinder.

A couple of Apex Legends players experimented with the bug that lets Caustic’s Nox Gas Traps take off, but this time they attached Pathfinder’s grapple hook to the fray.

Team Liquid pro Lucas ‘Mendokusaii’ Håkansson previously experimented with Caustic’s traps after seeing one of them spring to life. But the Apex community have turned the discovery to springboard new tactics into the Apex Games.

Pathfinder and Caustic can link up using the bug in Apex Legends.

Adding to the plethora of possibilities is Reddit user ‘Solid_psycho’ who got crafty with the gas traps, and in the process stumbled on what has to be the quickest way to rotate a Pathfinder around the map.

“When I saw the ‘we found a new glitch with Caustic and Gibraltar’ post I was thinking if you can do the same thing with pathfinder,and the results were amazing,” Solid_psycho said.

Already nestled inside of a gas trap, Caustic dropped a second canister directly in front of him. This might have helped to exaggerate the effects of the bug, flinging the newly spawned gas trap across the map.

Just before liftoff, however, Pathfinder impaled the canister with his Grappling Hook. Since he immediately tracks toward wherever the hook lands, they were bound to the flying gas trap.

It’s a silly animation since he went blasting off like a rocket, but as strange as it is, this could be used for interesting situations.

The Caustic bug in conjunction with Pathfinder’s hook can give a team huge counterattack potential.

The bug sent Caustic’s canister flying and propelled Pathfinder toward it.

Flinging a Pathfinder on their own could be dangerous, but if your team is trapped with nowhere to go it could be worth sending the Forward Scout out and around the enemy team to break up the aggro.

Conversely, if your team is too deep outside of the circle’s perimeters, then a last ditch effort to send him forward could at least give your squad a last-ditch effort to compete in the match.

It’ll be interesting to see if Apex Legends players can find more practical uses for the combo before Respawn patches out the gas canister bug.