Cheeky Apex Legends bug lets Crypto’s drone troll enemies from safety

James Busby
Crypto with his drone in Apex Legends

A Crypto bug is allowing players to troll their enemies safely from afar, giving players a unique distraction tactic. 

While Crypto has often struggled to find a place within the Apex Legends meta, there’s no denying how useful his Surveillance Drone can be. Not only can it reveal enemy locations and provide vital intel, but it can also safely retrieve allied banners. This makes it a particularly powerful skill that can be used both defensively and aggressively. 

Being able to bamboozle your enemies has always been incredibly important in Respawn’s battle royale. After all, a well-timed distraction can give you a huge edge over any unsuspecting enemies. However, a new Crypto drone bug has recently been discovered, which is giving players a hilarious way to troll their foes. 

Apex Legends Crypto drone distraction trick

Crypto Drone
This Crypto drone bug can make for some comical kills.

Apex Legends is home to numerous techniques and bugs that players can use to get an advantage over the competition. Whether it’s mastering Pathfinder’s super grapples or utilizing Fuse’s ultimate wallhack trick, there are plenty of hidden mechanics that are constantly being discovered. 

One of the latest bugs involves Crypto’s Surveillance Drone, which enables players to distract their opponents with holo sprays. Apex Legends YouTuber, Skeptation, recently uploaded a video that detailed how Crypto mains can utilize this bug to troll opposing teams. 

In order to distract your foes with this method, you’ll need to first activate your drone and hold down your quip wheel button. After you’ve done this, simply hit your tactical to enter your drone. If done correctly, you should be able to throw holo sprays from your drone. 

While it won’t increase your lethality as Crypto, it is a rather comical way to distract your foes and can even net you some hilarious kills when coordinated with your teammates.