Easy Apex Legends movement tricks to outplay enemies on World’s Edge

Daniel Cleary
Capitol city in World's edge map with Apex Logo

World’s Edge is a very vertical map, with lots of scaleable buildings that Apex Legends players can use to their advantage. Here are some simple movement tricks that will help you outplay your opponents in Capitol City.

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Claiming the high ground in Apex Legends will give you a massive advantage over enemies in gunfights, allowing you to take any fight on your own terms.

The Capitol City buildings are some of the best examples of this, on World’s Edge, as they often have players hiding up top, who can rain down fire on anyone passing through the area.

Worlds edge map in Apex Legends
The World’s Edge map features some tall buildings that you can be used for outplays.

While opponents like this can be difficult to deal with, Apex Legends YouTuber BsE Millo has shared a set of simple yet effective tricks for climbing and attacking that can counter these rooftop campers.

Although abilities such as Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder are often used to threaten players on roofs, you can also make your way up the side of these buildings to flank these unsuspecting players.

The YouTuber revealed some clever routes to climb up the skyscrapers that you, and other players, might not have known, which could give you the upper hand in your games.

All of the climbing tricks highlighted in the World’s Edge video can be done by simply pressing the jump button and then holding the interact button. Although some characters (mainly Revenant) are better climbers, all Legends should be capable of making these climbs with some practice.

The unique jumps and climbing routes that Millo shared would often lead you straight to the roof of these towers, or give you ways to check out each floor from the outside.

As most players expect their opponents to attack them from the stairs or by simply ziplining up, these unique flanks can be devastating when used correctly.

However, it is worth noting that after you succeed in taking over a building, there’s nothing stopping other opponents from doing the same to you.