FOR7 lose Apex Legends Global Series match due to game-breaking glitch

Philip Trahan
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Pro Apex Legends Esports team FOR7 suffered a game-breaking glitch during the Apex Legends Global Series Year 2 Championship knocking the team out of the match.

The Apex Legends Global Series, commonly called ALGS, Year 2 Championship 2022 began on July 7, with 40 teams competing for a massive $2 million prize pool.

During the early elimination stages of the tournament, the Japanese/Korean Esports team, FOR7, encountered an unfortunate bug that cost them the tournament.

Players Han ‘SangJoon’ Sang-jun and Yoon ‘heegak’ Hee-jong used Valkyrie’s Ultimate to reposition, resulting in a glitch that ended in SangJoon’s in-game elimination.

FOR7 lose ALGS 2022 thanks to glitch

The glitch occurred when heegak used Valkyrie’s “Skyward Dive” Ultimate Ability with SangJoon in tow.

The ability started as expected, with the duo flying high into the sky ready to jetpack towards their intended location.

However, after entering free-fall, SangJoon teleported to a seemingly random point on the map which was deep into the storm.

Valkyrie Apex Legends
Valkyrie’s Ultimate ability has sadly had plenty of issues in the past, but to see a bug like this pop up during a major tournament is certainly unexpected.

Confused, SangJoon began calling out to his teammate, wondering what had just happened.

By the time he realized what actually happened, the storm downed him with no hope of heegak being able to revive him.

To make matters worse, the team was already down a player, as their third member Shin ‘Jusna’ Yong-ju tested positive for COVID which prevented him from entering the event.

The clip of the glitch quickly went viral on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, with players speculating what exactly happened.

Reddit user ‘Fawfs2‘ claimed that “The game for whatever reason teleported him to what I believe is (0, 0, 0) on the map,” which at the time happened to be deep into the storm.

Plenty of commenters expressed frustration at the situation, with many saying that EA should compensate the team in some way considering the glitch that effectively ended their tournament was completely out of their control.

Unfortunately, as of right now it seems that EA hasn’t made any official announcement or acknowledgment regarding FOR7’s situation.