Genius Ash combo lets Valkyrie fly Apex Legends teammates across the entire map

Isaac McIntyre
Valkyrie and Ash from Apex Legends.

Apex Legends players have discovered a genius Ash x Valkyrie combo that turns the Winged Avenger’s ultimate, Skyward Dive, into one of the strongest repositioning tools in the battle royale ⁠— and it works on any map.

Mobility is king in Apex Legends, so it’s no surprise popular characters with powerful movement abilities like Wraith, Octane, Valkyrie, and Ash reign supreme.

With the battle royale storm circle always closing in on your position, whether you’re fighting across Kings Canyon, Olympus, or Storm Point, finding the best way to get the next defensive position ⁠— and avoid any kill-hungry enemies along the way ⁠— is a pretty major gameplay loop in Apex Legends.

For the last two years, players have been trying to find ways to trick or cheese their way through the process. Respawn helped a little after adding flight pilot Valkyrie and her flying ultimate, but it’s often a question that stumps players.

Recently, however, Apex Legends genius UnholyBeast may have solved the age-old battle royale question, all thanks to an incredible Valkyrie x Ash ultimate combo.

Valkyrie Apex Legends flying
Valkyrie becomes the perfect Apex Legends pilot with Ash’s ultimate combo.

The Apex Legends trick itself is devilishly simple in design.

The hardest part is convincing random teammates to pick either Ash or Valkyrie (you obviously pick the other), so maybe it’s easier to bring a friend if you’re planning to pull off this high-flying strategy in your ranked games.

Once you have your hands on both Legends, all you need to do is find the map’s tallest building. In World’s Edge, the options are Fragment’s skyscrapers or the Skyhook buildings. On Storm Point, the Storm Catcher is a great spot, and on Kings Canyon, you can make do with the rocks near Market.

First, fire off Ash’s Phase Breach to the top of the building, and then launch Valkyrie’s Skyward Dive before the “out of bounds” timer clocks out. This should get you a considerable amount higher than normal.

Once you’re in the air, the hard work is done ⁠— just simply cruise to any location on the map like you usually would with Valkyrie’s ultimate, and prepare for battle.

The genius new Apex Legends combo may not have everything to do with it, but Valkyrie has actually been trending up play-rate rise in the past week or so.

The Winged Avenger has moved into the top six most played characters, overtaking Lifeline in the process. While she moves up, however, Ash has been dropping; the Season 12 release has slipped a mighty 16.4% in the standings, and now sits behind Wraith and Octane again.

If this cheeky repositioning trick hits Apex Legends mainstream, those numbers could certainly turn around for the Incisive Instigator as the season rolls on.